Burkert, Klaus Klaus Burkert (* March 2, 1967, in Rotenburg/Wümme, Lower Saxony; † April 4, 2001, in Hanover) was a kind and helpful person throughout his life. Computer hardware and software were his passion, which later became his profession and calling.more
Overview Workbench Versions The Workbench is the operating system of the Amiga. Since the version 3.9 it called AmigaOS. to the->overview of the Kickstart Versions Overview FIXME ReleaseVersionsuitable for classic-Systemsnewer systemsYear1.030.xxA 1000 ? 19851.131.34, 32.34A 1000 ? 19851.233.46, 33.47, 33.56, 33.59, 33.61more
Folder : Workbench+Kickstart ... Folder System: * Kickstart mit seinen verschiedenen Versionen * Workbench mit seinen verschiedenen Versionen * Filesystem Filesysteme des Amigas * alternative Systeme * Beschreibung einzelner Teile * Patches...more
NComm NComm 2.0 NComm is, besides Term, one of the most popular shareware terminal programs. In the 90's it was preferably used to connect the Amiga to a BBS system like AMMS via a modem connected to a telephone line. The program is well suited, for example, to exchange files between any two computer systems via the serial interface.more
Bus It is a so-called physical line system, i. e. a bundle of interconnected lines on the mainboard, which can be used to exchange data between the various hardware components (processor, main memory and peripherals). * Adress bus: Memory cells are selected in a memorymore
A3000 SCSI The A3000's internal SCSI controller has a few minor flaws that can be problematic. A. The Western Digital 33C93 SCSI chip itself: revision 04 of this chip has some bugs that usually show up when a CD-ROM or tape drive is attached, and revision 08 fixes them.more
Keyboard Adapter A1000 [under construction] Um an den A1000 oder an Phönix und GBA-1000 eine Tastatur anzuschließen, wird eine amigakompatible Tastatur mit einem RJ10-Stecker (wie beim Telefon) benötigt. ---------- Amiga 1000 to A2000 Keyboard Adaptor Enclosed with this file, will be an IFF diagram of how to make yourself an adaptor, for using an A2000 style keyboard, on you Amiga 1000. Since there now seem to be many 1000's floating around, without keyboards, this can bring...more
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