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en:start [2011/08/28 16:28] eekanoien:start [2024/09/22 00:28] (current) – external edit
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 +====== The first page of the new AmigaWiki  ======
 +<awbox note>
 +The very most work is done in the german section ->[[de:index_all|German Index]]\\ 
 +Please choose the **'de'** Language instead of 'en' (at the right top-area)
 +for now. Thanks.
 +====== The Amiga Computer ======
 +===== AMIGA ... my girlfriend !!  =====
 +{{ :de:220px-amiga-logo.svg.png|}}
 +This exclamation has awakened countless memories and emotions for 30 years until today. It's no coincidence that the Spanish word 'Amiga' means 'the girlfriend'.
 +This wiki tries to capture the '[[en:history:spirit_of_amiga|Spirit of Amiga]]' and make it accessible to everyone.\\ 
 +There should be something for everyone:\\
 +  * For the inexperienced newcomer, who didn't even know the word yet ([[en:models:amiga|-> Click here to continue!]])
 +  * For all those who want to look beyond the horizon, or who are just curious ([[en:models:amiga|-> Click here to continue!]])
 +  * For all those who got or found an Amiga from somewhere and have questions: What is this? What can I do with it? ([[en:models:amiga|-> Click here to continue!]])
 +  * For friends and parents, and also for the children of the Amiga fans, to explain what and why he is busy and sinking into it ([[en:models:amiga|-> Click here to continue!]])
 +  * For all beginners, to show and explain the possibilities and functions ([[en:models:start|-> click here!]])
 +  * For all advanced users, to explain further details and for important tips on maintenance and service [[en:service:start|-> click here!]]
 +  * For all professionals, to give them well-founded and as comprehensive as possible information and a lot of technical and repair tools to help them to keep the valuable substance in their hands [[en:service:start|-> here's where to go!]]
 +  * For those who already know everything. So much is already said: There will also be exclusive' news' ([[en:history:development|-> here it goes on!]])
 +  * And of course also people who want to share their Amiga knowledge with others ([[en:wiki:hints_for_writer|-> here it goes on!]])
 +<columns 100% 10% 40% 5% ->
 +\\ \\ 
 +{{  :de:reading.gif?nolink  |}}
 +\\ \\ 
 +... and last but not least for all those who have always missed a fast and comprehensive reference for the Amiga.\\ 
 +([[en:index_all|to the -> Index]])
 + \\ 
 +<newcolumn align:center>{{cloud>50 en}}
 +{{  :awschriftzug.gif?nolink|}}
 +===== big welcome ... =====
 +<columns 100% 15% ->
 +{{  :welcometruppe.gif  |welcome}}
 +==== Main-Categories  ====
 +  * [[en:history:start|Amiga History]]
 +  * [[en:models:start|Amiga-Models]]
 +  * [[en:system:start|Workbench and Kickstart]]
 +  * [[en:expansion:start|Expansions]]
 +  * [[en:software:start|Software]]
 +  * [[en:parts:start|Parts]]
 +  * [[en:signals:start|Signals]]
 +  * [[en:service:start|Repair and Service]]
 +  * [[en:projects:start|Projekts]]
 +  * [[en:misc:start|Miscellaneous]]
 +As we have just begun, of course a lot of pages are missing .\\ 
 +But, and this is the beauty of a wiki, everyone can help.\\ 
 +Because then it could soon be: **//Question?// ... Look into the AmigaWiki!** 
 +==== Who would like to write something ====
 +<columns 100% 15% ->
 + {{  :homeworkboy.gif  |}}
 +  * [[en:wiki:hints_for_writer|hints for writer and writing]]
 +  * [[playground:playground|playground]] for testing the syntax
 +  * [[en:wiki:todo|ToDo-List]] : open questions and topics
 +  * [[en:wiki:fixme|FixMe-List]] : starting topics
 +  * [[en:wiki:faq|FAQ]]
 +  * [[de:wiki:multilingual|searching for translators]] 
 +[size=1]'[[red Links]]' are missing pages - the '[[start|blue]]' ones are existing pages[/size]
 +{{  :awschriftzug.gif?nolink|}}
 +===== Where is the navigation menu? =====
 +A wiki does not fit into a hierarchical menu structure, because it is much more powerful and flexible than that. Therefore, there are several ways to find your way around.
 +  * over the main categories and then through the documents, where the '[[en:start|blue]]' words represent the clickable links to other existing articles and the'[[red]]' words indicate (not yet) existing articles.
 +  * A click on the logo or on '[[en:start|You are here: start]]' at the top left leads back to this entry page.
 +  * The button '[[en:index_all|Index]]' leads to a list of all pages in this wiki.
 +  * The button '[[en:index_updates|Updates]]' above leads to a chronologically ordered list of the last changes.
 +  * Each subfolder has its own start page with a table of contents. Most subfolders (categories) can also be accessed via the quick links at the bottom of each page.
 +  * The 'Overviews' button leads to a list of all topic-oriented overview pages. These have been assembled by hand and should be as complete as possible. Therefore, they also contain links to pages that have not yet been created.
 +  * Using the [[en:wiki:search|full-text search]] above, you can search all pages for a specific word.
 +  * The' Breadcrumbs' ("You are here:") in the upper left corner show which page and folder/subfolder you are currently viewing.
 +{{  :awschriftzug.gif?nolink|}}
 +===== Rules especially for AmigaWiki =====
 +Public wikis work! This has been proven by Wikipedia. But if everyone is allowed to edit everything, this only works for a certain minimum number of users (and moderators). That's why I have to set a rule here for still 'private' wiki:
 +**Only those who have previously registered as users are allowed to edit a page.**
 +It's very simple. Further information: [[en:wiki:hints_for_writer|please read more here.]]
 +{{  :awschriftzug.gif?nolink|}}
 +===== A request =====
 +Since the pages are still brand new, is certainly still one or bug.\\ 
 +So my big request :\\
 +  * Reports errors or improvements in the software [[:en:wiki:fixme|-> here]]
 +  * Announces improvements to content [[:en:wiki:fixme|-> here]]
 +  * Reports on themes-wishes [[:de:wiki:todo|-> here]]
 +<awbox translate>
 +[color=red]**searching for translator**[/color]
 +{{tag>Hints Structure}}
Last modified: 2024/09/21 23:40