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no:service:schematics [2015/05/10 08:51] – angelegt MWankeno:service:schematics [2024/09/22 00:28] (nåværende versjon) – ekstern redigering
Linje 1: Linje 1:
-FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)// +====== Skjemategninger (Vektor) ======
- +
-====== Schematics (Vector) ======+
 {{:de:service:a47t_docfield_view.png?200  |}} {{:de:service:a47t_docfield_view.png?200  |}}
-Here are the Link-List or schematic-overview-page to the new created **Vector**-Schematics in the PDF-FormatAnd every schematic is naturally full text searchable ;-).\\   +Her er oversikten over og linkene til de regenererte **Vektor**-skjemaene i PDF-format. 
-Please read the hints at the end of this page.+Og alle skjemaene er selvfølgelig fulltekst søkbare. ;-).\\   
 +Vennligst les tipsene nederst på denne siden.
 ===== A500 ===== ===== A500 =====
Linje 21: Linje 20:
 ===== A3000T ===== ===== A3000T =====
   * [[awiw>dnl/schematics/A3000T.pdf| Amiga 3000-T Rev.6.1]] :pdf: 2.9MB ''(R1.38)''   * [[awiw>dnl/schematics/A3000T.pdf| Amiga 3000-T Rev.6.1]] :pdf: 2.9MB ''(R1.38)''
 ===== A4000 ===== ===== A4000 =====
 {{  :de:service:a4t_u750_view.png?200|}} {{  :de:service:a4t_u750_view.png?200|}}
Linje 29: Linje 29:
   * [[awiw>dnl/schematics/A4000T_R4.pdf| Amiga 4000-T Rev.4.1]](nbsp) :pdf: 2.2MB ''(R1.37)''   * [[awiw>dnl/schematics/A4000T_R4.pdf| Amiga 4000-T Rev.4.1]](nbsp) :pdf: 2.2MB ''(R1.37)''
   * [[awiw>dnl/schematics/A4000T_Modules.pdf| Amiga 4000-T Module]] (nbsp) :pdf: 679kB ''(R1.37)''   * [[awiw>dnl/schematics/A4000T_Modules.pdf| Amiga 4000-T Module]] (nbsp) :pdf: 679kB ''(R1.37)''
 ===== CD32 ===== ===== CD32 =====
-  * [[awiw>dnl/schematics/CD32_R3.pdf| Amiga CD32 Rev.3]] (nbsp) :pdf: 1MB ''(R1.38 v.16.05.2013)'' +  * [[awiw>dnl/schematics/CD32_R3.pdf| Amiga CD32 Rev.3]] (nbsp) :pdf: 1MB ''(R1.43 v.27.09.2015)'' 
-  * [[awiw>dnl/schematics/CD32_R4.pdf| Amiga CD32 Rev.4]] (nbsp) :pdf: 1MB ''(R1.38 v.16.05.2013)'' +  * [[awiw>dnl/schematics/CD32_R4.pdf| Amiga CD32 Rev.4]] (nbsp) :pdf: 1MB ''(R1.43 v.27.09.2015)'' 
-[size=1](in the old schematics are C303, and R301, has wrong values: correct is C303, = 22uF and R301, = 1 Ohm / 1Watt)\\ +[size=1](in both versions C303, R301, und U15A had incorrect values (see [[schematic_history|extra history-page]])[/size]
-U15A, U15B, und U38B, are still named with the wrong IC -> correct is TL082[/size]+
 \\  \\ 
-===== Expansion =====+===== Ekspansjoner =====
   * [[awiw>dnl/schematics/A2060.pdf| Amiga A2060]] (nbsp) (nbsp) (nbsp) (nbsp) (nbsp) :pdf: 252kB ''(R1.38)''   * [[awiw>dnl/schematics/A2060.pdf| Amiga A2060]] (nbsp) (nbsp) (nbsp) (nbsp) (nbsp) :pdf: 252kB ''(R1.38)''
   * [[awiw>dnl/schematics/A2065_R2.pdf| Amiga A2065 Rev.2]] (nbsp) :pdf: 387kB ''(R1.38)''   * [[awiw>dnl/schematics/A2065_R2.pdf| Amiga A2065 Rev.2]] (nbsp) :pdf: 387kB ''(R1.38)''
Linje 52: Linje 52:
 {{  :awschriftzug.gif?nolink|}} {{  :awschriftzug.gif?nolink|}}
-====== Schematic-Hints ====== +====== Hint ang. kretssjemaene ====== 
-===== History ===== +===== Historie ===== 
-Not always correspond to the post of Commodore plans really the devices produced at the end+Det er ikke alltid at tegningene fra Commodore stemmer overens med slik enhetene til slutt ble produsert
-But that's what they should be. Thereforewe are grateful for any information.  +Menvi ønsker at de skal være korrekte, derfor er vi takknemlige for all informasjon og tillegg til den informasjonen vi har.  
-The appropriate and continuous changes on this can be found on the [[schematic_history|separately history page]]. +Riktige og kontinuerlige endringer finnes på [[schematic_history|separat historikk-side]]. 
-===== Hints =====+===== Hint =====
 {{ :as-is-fpuo-aw8neu-209x76.gif?nolink|Schematic are as is}}  {{ :as-is-fpuo-aw8neu-209x76.gif?nolink|Schematic are as is}} 
-<awbox law>This schematics are standing under the license of\\ +<awbox law>Disse skjemaene er under følgende lisens\\ 
 {{:de:cc_by_nc_nd_gr.png?nolink  }} [[|Navngivelse-IkkeKommersiell-IngenBearbeidelser 3.0 Unported.]]</awbox> {{:de:cc_by_nc_nd_gr.png?nolink  }} [[|Navngivelse-IkkeKommersiell-IngenBearbeidelser 3.0 Unported.]]</awbox>
 ---- ----
-<awbox law>{{  :de:cc_all_rights_reserved.png?nolink}} **The technical content is property of the companies Commodore and/or Amiga.**</awbox>+<awbox law>{{  :de:cc_all_rights_reserved.png?nolink}} **Det tekniske innholdet er eid av firmaene Commodore og/eller Amiga.**</awbox>
 {{tag>Schematic Repair Maintenance Elco Accu}} {{tag>Schematic Repair Maintenance Elco Accu}}
Sist endret: 2024/09/21 23:42