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de:parts:74_244 [2012/02/16 06:30] – de:parts:74fct244 umbenann in de:parts:74_244 (neues Namen-Format) MWankede:parts:74_244 [2024/09/22 00:26] (aktuell) – Externe Bearbeitung
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== 74FCT244 - Octal Buffer ======+====== 74_244 - Octal Buffer ======
 {{:de:baustelle.gif|Baustelle}} {{:de:baustelle.gif|Baustelle}}
 [{{  :de:parts:74fct244atso.png|74FCT244 auf der A3640}}] [{{  :de:parts:74fct244atso.png|74FCT244 auf der A3640}}]
 The IDT octal buffer/line drivers are built using an advanced The IDT octal buffer/line drivers are built using an advanced
-dual metal CMOS technology. The FCT240T/FCT2240T and+dual metal CMOS technology. The [[de:parts:74_240|FCT240T/FCT2240T]] and
 FCT244T/FCT2244T are designed to be employed as memory FCT244T/FCT2244T are designed to be employed as memory
 and address drivers, clock drivers and bus-oriented transmitter/ and address drivers, clock drivers and bus-oriented transmitter/
 receivers which provide improved board density. receivers which provide improved board density.
 The FCT540T and FCT541T/FCT2541T are similar in The FCT540T and FCT541T/FCT2541T are similar in
 function to the FCT240T/FCT2240T and FCT244T/FCT2244T, function to the FCT240T/FCT2240T and FCT244T/FCT2244T,
Zeile 14: Zeile 15:
 and as backplane drivers, allowing ease of layout and and as backplane drivers, allowing ease of layout and
 greater board density. greater board density.
 The FCT2240T, FCT2244T and FCT2541T have balanced The FCT2240T, FCT2244T and FCT2541T have balanced
 output drive with current limiting resistors. This offers low output drive with current limiting resistors. This offers low
Zeile 22: Zeile 24:
-^Commo-Nr.^  CBezeichnung  ^  CInfo  ^Form^ ^Editors Info^ +===== Pinbelegung / Pinout =====
-|390789-02|IC 74 FCT 244 AT SMD|A-4000|SO-20| | | +
-\\ +
-Alternativ-Typ (lt. Commodore):+  * siehe Datenblatt / besser Bild u/o Tabelle
-^Vorkommen^Anzahl^Position ^Bemerkung^ 
-|A3640|  1  |U,|Typ 244ATSO| 
-|A |  1  |U,|-| 
-Hergestellt in den Jahren .. bis .. in .. bekannten Revision.\\  +====== im Amiga ======
-Hersteller:  \\  +
-Hersteller-Aufdruck:  +Date-Code\\ +
-bisher von 'Firma/en' gesehen 'Bezeichnung' (+Bauform)+^Typ^Commo-Nr.^  C= Bezeichnung   C= Info  ^Form^ ^Editors Info^ 
 +| A |252119-01|XXX IC 74 HCT 244 *|=318828-01 AMIGA-2000| | | | 
 +| B |310002-01|XXX IC 74 HC 244 *|=318828-01 AMIGA-500| | | | 
 +| C |318050-01|IC 74 F 244|AMIGA-500| | | | 
 +| D |390789-02|IC 74 FCT 244 AT SMD|A-4000|SO-20| | | 
 +| E |318828-01|IC 74 HCT 244|CR AMIGA-2000| | | | 
 +| F |380227-03|IC 74 HCT 244|A-SIDECAR| | | | 
 +| G |391144-01|IC 74 HCT 244 SMD|AMIGA-600|SO-20| |gelegentlich Narrow-Version| 
 +| H |391400-01|IC 74 FCT 244T DIP|A-4000|DIP-20| | | 
 +| I |901521-13|IC 74 LS 244| | | | | 
 +^Vorkommen^Anzahl^Typ^Position ^Bemerkung^ 
 +|A3640|  1  | D |U402,|Typ 244ATSO| 
 +|A4000-D|  1  | H |U103,|DIL| 
 +|A4000-CR|  1  | D |U103,|SMD| 
 +|A600|  2  | G |U31,U32,|Typ 244T|
-====== Kauf-Info's ====== 
-  * [[de:parts:hint_for_buyers#ic_s|-> bitte beachten]] 
-====== Pinbelegung / Pinout ====== 
-  * siehe Datenblatt / besser Bild u/o Tabelle 
 \\ \\
-{{  :awschriftzug.gif|}}+{{  :awschriftzug.gif?nolink|}}
 ====== Downloads / Links ====== ====== Downloads / Links ======
   * {{:de:parts:74fct244_idt.pdf|Datenblatt von IDT}} (191kB)   * {{:de:parts:74fct244_idt.pdf|Datenblatt von IDT}} (191kB)
   * {{:de:parts:74fct244_ti.pdf|Datenblatt von TI}} (25kB)   * {{:de:parts:74fct244_ti.pdf|Datenblatt von TI}} (25kB)
Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/21 23:29