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2N3904 / MMBT3904 / PZT3904
NPN General Purpose Amplifier
The transistor 2N3904 comes under the category of small signal, low power, general purpose transistor, mainly applicable for switching and for signal amplification.
It's dynamic range may include a current handling capability of more than 100mA for switching applications and a 100MHz frequency handling capacity fits with amplification purposes.
The absolute maximum ratings of this transistor may be understood from the following data:
Other Useful Characteristics of this device are discussed below:
Typ | Commo-Nr. | C= Bezeichnung | C= Info | Form | Editors Info | |
A | -01 | |||||
B | -01 |
Alternativ-Typ : | xx (lt. Commodore ? ) |
Vorkommen | Anzahl | Typ | Position | Bemerkung |
Axx | 1 | A | U, | - |
Axx | 1 | U, | - |